Archive | November, 2013


29 Nov

I am vegan cause when I see meat/dairy/eggs I do not see food,I see the blood,torture,pain,fear and the death behind it.i see an animal who was ripped to shreds.i see a being that wanted to live,a being that died fighting for survival,I see the fear in their eyes and I try to imagine what they were going through,what they were thinking,the fear and the pain they were in.I am not tempted in anyway to eat animals as I do not see food I see a living being that lived a life of hell and torment only that die in a unbelievable amount of pain.
People who say they love animals,yet continue to consume animal products do not love animals,they may care for their dog or cat,but if they eat any animal product they can’t love animals as they are supporting the death and torture of billions of animals each year.veganism is good for one’s health,veganism is better for the environment,but I am not vegan for either of those reasons,I’m vegan simply cause I care for animals,I treat animals the way I’d want to be treated,if I were a animal I would not want to be condoned to a life of torture and torment,I would not want to have my jugular cut then be hung upside down till my body was completely drained of all its blood,nor would not want to be anally electrocuted.and i would not want to live crammed into a cage with several other animals just so that I could end up having my neck snapped,be hung upside down by my feet,be defeathered,gutted,cooked then be served to someone as dinner,I am vegan because I feel compassion for other beings,and I refuse to treat them in any other way then the way that I would want to be treated if I were them.

I do not understand how anyone could possibly continue to consume animal products,use products that have been tested on animals or support any form of animal entertainment once they know the truth behind the industries.

“The reason why I dedicate myself to helping animals is because there are so many people dedicated to hurting them.”